Thursday, November 1, 2012

No, it would be in bad form to take my Nook with me to church while I wait for All Saints Mass to start so that I can finish my fanfic...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ships passing in the night

My husband asked me what "shipping" meant. He knows better than that. As if he's not a big fanboy who was upset that I might be watching The Avengers while he was at work.

I ship a lot of things, but there are a few that I consider true OTP (Should there be more than one? Isn't only one implied in that statement?) and have adored for years.

Han/Leia of Star Wars. I really wish that I could say this is the first couple I shipped. In truth, the first was Lois and Clark from the 90s tv show version of Superman. But these two were the first ones I truly adored. They are the reason I started watching Star Wars and why I loved it so much. When watching the commercial for The Empire Strikes Back Special Edition, I saw a sequence of Han and Leia kissing in the carbonite chamber, Luke saying "...but Han and Leia will die if I don't," and Han's face being blown by the steam as he was lowered into the freezing chamber. It was then that I decided that I wanted to see this movie. Oddly enough, I'd seen Star Wars a few years earlier, and all I remembered from it, even then, were Han and Leia related (Luke trying to convince Han to rescue Leia by using the reward argument, Han and Leia arguing about him getting well paid, and Leia saying "I knew there was more to you than money). Some say they have nothing in common, but I think differently. They're both work on instinct and are quick to action when needed in some of the most clever and unconventional ways (Han is a bit more brash and Leia knows how to be calm as a Senator and diplomat, but I'd pick either of them to get me out of a tricky situation when push came to shove). They are both emotional and passionate people. I love that the "hero" doesn't get the girl. I love that Han just wants her to admit he cares about him leaving, and that he waits to leave Hoth until she knows she's safe. I love the way she says "someone who loves you," when Han asks who she is after being thawed out. It stands for alternately that she knows this is the last thing he's heard, and that she has sacrificed so much to save him.

Chandler/Monica of Friends. I started liking these two before they were actually a couple. One of the first episodes I watched of the show was the flashback where the various characters almost had sex with each other, and I instantly loved them. Monica's wedding vows refers to him as "my prince, my soul mate, my friend." How accurate! You can see how closely intimate they are as friends by watching the old episodes (hey, Mon even taught Chandler how to properly pleasure a woman), and to have them realize their unknown love for each other and make it work through their indiosyncracies and trials that life threw at them was great. Chandler to Richard: "You had your chance with her. You had your chance, and you blew it. Well, this is my chance, and I am not going to blow it because we are meant for each other."

Mulder/Scully of The X-Files. When these two finally had their love acknowledged by a kissing over their son, tears were streaming down my face. My friends actually called because they wanted to see how I was reacting. These two have had a dwindling group of family and trusted friends that has been so racked by loss and betrayal that they are left with only each other. They literally go to the ends of the earth for each other. They're smart people with upbringings that led them to serve others, but at the same time are lost in finding their purpose and have only each other to understand. (Oh, and I want to take this moment that though, I don't adore Doggett/Reyes enough to list them as one of these OTPs, I still think they're really cute).

Ron/Hermione of Harry Potter. Similar to Chandler and Monica and Han and Leia in several aspects. They are close friends, but they seem so different and bicker so much, how could they ever be together and in love? Their arguments become more and more personal as they get older and try to disguise and internally accept their feelings for each other. They exemplify the situation where your best friend was the one for you all along in correlation to Harry and Ginny's the-awesome-girl-next-door-that-I-didn't-notice-fully-for-a-while. Their best friend/love is the one where no one is perfect, where they challenge each other, where they accept and support each other in spite of their flaws and differences. Favorite line: "Err, my knee."

Bree/Rex of Desperate Housewives. This has got to be the shortest lived couple on my list. They are only together for one season of the show, and, in that time there is yelling, disrespect, seperation, arguments, cheating, attempts to make the other one feel like shit. When we meet these two, they are on the verge of divorce after 18 years of marriage. There are just little glances of what they were that make them glow. Bree is devastated by the idea of this divorce. We learn that Rex proposed to Bree while she was engaged to someone else. Bree's quiet plea that "you promised" to love her for the rest of her life when trying to salvage the marriage is heart breaking. Rex's admission that he still loves Bree while he's to his mistress is intriguing. They are the fairy tale couple that had real life thrown at them. They are the couple where the phrase "love hurts" is the perfect line for this imperfect couple. And, they're the only fanfics that I've ever written.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

LSU and Who

So, Tigers are playing tonight, Doctor Who airs tonight, and a Saints game in the morning. However, I have 26 hours of work looking at me over the next two nights, so all of these will be squeezed and postponed for my viewing pleasure.